nitrite determination (Spectrophotometric)

Nitrogen is an element that is mainly gaseous in the air. This nitrogen element undergoes many processes to form nitrogenous compounds in the soil. Reactions in this direction are affected by industrial and agricultural activities by microorganisms, plants and humans. For example, the flash of lightning combines nitrogen and oxygen. The chemicals in the roots of vegetables such as beans and beans turn nitrogen into ammonia. Ammonia is converted to nitrate by other reactions carried out by microorganisms. Nitrate is reduced to nitrite by the action of enzymes. Some plants take up nitrate and synthesize proteins and other nitrogenous compounds. Nitrate is required for good growth of plants Nitrate nitrogen in soil and water is converted back to elemental nitrogen and nitrogen oxides. This cycle is the nitrogen cycle.
Nitrite is a very active chemical compound and is involved in many reactions in biologically complex meat products. Sometimes sodium nitrate is used instead of sodium nitrite during production. Nitrite in meats is effective on color formation and flavor.
Nitrite content determination studies are carried out by spectrophotometric method between chemical tests in authorized laboratories. This method is based on the measurement of the electromagnetic radiation waves absorbed or emitted when atoms, molecules or ions pass from one energy level to another. In these analyzes, standards and test criteria published by local and foreign organizations are followed and reliable and impartial service is provided in laboratories. A few standards considered in these analyzes are:
- TS 6183 Fruit, vegetables and products - Determination of nitrite and nitrate - Molecular absorption spectrometric method
- TS EN 12014-1 Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and / or nitrite content - Part 1: General requirements
- TS EN 12014-3 Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and / or nitrite content - Part 3: Spectrometric determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products after enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrate