Business health ve Security Analyses
Occupational health and safety is the whole of the systematic and scientific studies that are carried out in order to protect the workplaces and to prevent the hazards that will occur during the activities and the conditions that will harm the health of the employees and to provide a safer working environment.
The main features of occupational health and safety are as follows:
- Provide a safe and healthy working environment
- Protect employees against safety and health risks arising from the work environment
- Ensuring the welfare of employees and ensuring the continuity of this situation
- To ensure that production continues uninterrupted
- Improving business efficiency
Occupational health and safety studies have a single objective, which protects all employees from work accidents and possible occupational diseases.
According to the statistics in our country, the situation does not seem very desirable. On average, four employees die each day due to occupational accidents. Every year, the 150 has a work-related accident of nearly a thousand and about 15 thousand workers are injured. Again according to statistics, the most work accident in our country occurs in mining and metal business.
However, existing legal regulations have important responsibilities for employers. For example, the machines used and the working methods used in the enterprises should be safe and in conditions that will not harm the health. Depending on the field of activity of the enterprises, the workers who are against the effects of the biological and chemical substances used should be protected as much as possible with the appropriate protective measures. Employees should be assigned duties and responsibilities according to their capacities and necessary training should be provided against their deficiencies. Employers are obliged to take occupational health and safety measures in accordance with the size and area of activity of the enterprise. At the same time, employers have to continuously monitor the activities of the enterprise, the practices related to the work being carried out and whether the occupational health and safety measures are implemented. Protective clothing and equipment must be provided to employees in accordance with the danger dimension of their work. Likewise, the working order in the enterprise should not adversely affect occupational health and safety. Employers have to take precautions to prevent excessive physical and mental fatigue of employees. Necessary precautions should be taken against possible accidents in the enterprise. Finally, scientific and technical information on occupational health and safety should be kept in hand.
These were the responsibilities of the employers on occupational health and safety. Naturally, however, there are responsibilities for the employees. For example, employees must protect the safety of themselves and other employees because of their work or omissions. They must comply with the business processes and instructions given by the company and the occupational health and safety processes. They must use the safety equipment and protective clothing correctly. They have to keep a close watch on situations that may be dangerous and to inform managers about the dangers without delay.
When we look at the statistics, it is understood that a percentage of the occupational accidents near 80 is due to the insecure actions of the employees and the 20 is due to the fact that the working environment is not safe.
The accidents are largely due to the employee's hurry because of the deficiencies in the identification and distribution of the work due to the employees' own faulty and unsafe behavior. iš security is due to the lack of sufficient awareness of the employees.
The International Labor Organization (ILO) has defined occupational accidents as incidents that have not been previously planned, unknown and uncontrolled, and which are harmful to the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO), the injury to the workers, equipment and equipment and damage to the production of a period of time has defined as events. In both definitions, common points are unexpected and undesirable events and damage to life and property.