Homogenization experiment

Homogenization Test
Homogenization Test

Homogenization is a method used to influence the structure of the milk, in particular the emulsion system and to increase the degree of dispersion of the milk fat. By applying a mechanical force, the fat particle size of the milk is reduced and the dispersion of this oil is kept as stable as possible until it is consumed. In this case, the accumulation of fat particles on the upper surface of the milk is prevented. This method, which was first applied in America, is applied in all branches of dairy industry today. Today, homogenization is commonly used to prevent milk from clinging, to increase whitening strength and viscosity, and to improve taste.

There are numerous methods for determining homogenization efficacy. The most commonly used methods are centrifugation, separating funnel and mesure method.

While the homogenization test is carried out by centrifugation method, the milk is filled into special centrifuge tubes and 30 is centrifuged for minutes. Milk is then taken from the bottom of the tube and fat is determined.

When homogenization test is carried out with the separating funnel, a certain amount of milk is placed in the separating funnel and kept in the refrigerator in an upright state at 4 for approximately 72 hours. Then half of the milk is taken out from the bottom of the tube and the fat of both this milk and the original milk is determined.

In the homogenization test with the measuring method, the 1000 ml measuring cylinder is filled with milk and kept in the refrigerator for 48 hours without shaking. Then, 100 ml milk is taken from the upper surface of the milk and fat is determined separately in both the milk taken and the milk remaining in the cylinder. The degree of homogenisation is calculated using these two oil content values.

Homogenization tests of milk are carried out within the scope of physical analysis in authorized laboratories. In these analyzes, standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with. At the same time, generally accepted test methods and test criteria are followed and reliable and objective results are obtained.