Fat ve Stoneware determination

Oil and Grease Determination
Oil and Grease Determination

For environmental engineers, the oil and grease contents of domestic and industrial wastes and sludges are very important in the collection and treatment of such substances. Grease is not easily soluble in water. Because of this feature, it is quite complicated to transport waste in pipes, disintegrate in biological treatment units and deliver to receiving environments.

In the treatment plants, the grease-containing substances separated as foam in the pre-settling tanks are transferred to the removal units together with the other solids that have precipitated. Wastes from the meat, vegetable oil and margarine sectors have a high grease content and foam problems are high. Therefore, it is not correct to direct such wastes directly to domestic sewage systems. Vacuum filtration of the sludge with high grease content is also very difficult.

Grease-containing substances, which cannot be easily removed from the sedimentation tanks, are dispersed in the form of fine particles in the water. In activated sludge plants, greasy substances generally accumulate in grease beads.

In fact, all grease-like substances have an oily appearance and reflect the exact problems of grease in the disposal of waste.

Until recently, chloroform, diethylether and the like were used as solvents. However, these are no longer used today. Today, hexane and freon solvents are mostly used in oil and grease determination.

Oils are a chemical compound made by organic acids with alcohols, and oils and greases are commonly referred to together. Although they are alike, there are substances in the grease that will increase the density to some extent to resist abrasion such as crushing and overheating.


Methods used by laboratories for the determination of grease do not seem to be very precise and accurate. Nonetheless, in the measurements of soil and sludge, oil and grease measurements are followed by silica gel method after SM 5520 EF extraction.