trihalomethanes determination

Organic matter in water is one of the most important factors affecting water quality. Organic substances naturally present in surface waters and groundwater sources often cause unwanted problems.
Trihalomethanes, compounds formed by chlorine with organic or synthetic substances during disinfection processes. The most recognized is chloroform. Chloroformates are low molecular weight halogen containing hydrocarbons. The following four compounds are collectively called triholomethanes: chloroform, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane and bromoform. All of these compounds are suspected of carcinogens. If suspended particles are present in drinking or utility water, these substances are formed more when chlorinated.
The use of disinfectants in water treatment is to prevent water-borne diseases and to neutralize organisms that cause disease in water resources.
In natural waters, natural organic substances are formed in the cycle of nature. When chlorination is carried out to disinfect drinking water, chlorine reacts with natural organic substances in the water and forms a number of by-products known to be carcinogenic and harmful to human health, such as trihalomethane and haloacetic acid. Among these, trihalomethanes are the most dangerous and most common compounds.
Internalme watersıtrihalomethanes, açok üTaking into account health risks in theınaınmbusinesstır. Doğal organic substances found in the waterçtLIGHT a number of methods are applied to prevent this problem. Coagulation method, activated carbon adsorption method, ozonation method or membrane filtration method are among them.
In order to optimize the water treatment processes, to find areas with high levels of trihalomethanes in water distribution systems and to determine the levels of trihalomethanes in drinking water samples, trihalomethane determination in drinking water is carried out by authorized laboratories. In these studies, standards and test methods published by domestic and foreign organizations are followed. The standard is based on:
- TS 266 Waters - Waters for human consumption