bactericidal Activity Benchmarks

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that are too small to be seen with the eye. The basic and largest class of microorganisms is the group of bacteria. It is smaller in size than fungi, but larger than viruses. Some of the bacteria are harmless and some of them are disease-causing. Based on their shape, bacteria are classified as: round bacteria, rod-shaped bacteria, comma-shaped bacteria and wavy bacteria. There are too many varieties of bacteria. However, only a small amount of them can survive in the human body.
Bacteria are generally fed by degrading waste and dead organisms, allowing the remaining components to be used by other organisms. They multiply very quickly. If a bacteria finds a suitable environment, 24 can reach 70 million within hours. There is no place on earth without bacteria.
Bacteria are very sensitive outside the conditions they live. This is an advantage for controlling bacteria. They cannot remain alive for a long time either above or below the ambient temperature. They cannot live in dry environments. Some bacteria die in daylight. While aerobic bacteria require air to survive, anaerobic bacteria need an airless environment to survive.
The foundations of the science of bacteriology were laid in the nineteenth century and made great progress. Apart from the clean conditions, important steps have been taken in the fight against bacteria thanks to the purification of water from microbes, the development of special drugs against bacteria, and the harmlessness of waste by appropriate methods. Some antiseptic agents, immune agents and antibiotic drugs have been effective in protecting humans from bacteria.
Bactericidal or bactericidal agents are substances that kill bacteria. They are classified as bactericidal disinfectants, antiseptics and antibiotics.
Bactericidal means bactericidal effect. Bactericide is the general name of chemical substances that kill bacteria. The effects of these substances on bacteria depend on concentration and time. Bacteriostatic is the general name of chemicals that stop the growth of bacteria. Their effects on bacteria depend on concentration and time.
In other words, while bactericidal antibiotics kill and destroy bacteria, bacteriostatic antibiotics act by slowing the growth or reproduction of the bacteria.
Bactericidal and antibacterial activity analyzes are performed in cosmetic products, detergents and all cleaning agents. These analyzes are performed to determine how much antibacterial agent is used in the product and how effective it is on bacteria. These studies are carried out in laboratories accredited according to TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard from domestic and foreign accreditation organizations.
These laboratories apply test methods and test criteria accepted worldwide and take into account a large number of standards published by local and foreign organizations in their testing, measurement, analysis and evaluation studies. These laboratories provide reliable and impartial services, and analyzes and reports are accepted all over the world.
Bactericidal activity tests of detergents are also performed within the scope of cleaning and disinfection analyzes. The most basic test performed in this context is the bactericidal activity tests of hygienic hand rubbing and hand washing agents.
The anatomical structure of the skin is two-layered. The first layer is the visible, superficial part of the skin. It is easy to remove bacteria and harmful microorganisms found here. The second layer is the deeper layer of the skin. It is not easy to remove bacteria and harmful microorganisms that settle here.
There are temporary and permanent microorganisms in the structure of the skin. During daily life, harmful microorganisms can be transmitted to the skin. These are easily cleaned from the skin if washed with soap and water. This is the skin's temporary flora. Handwashing with soaps containing antiseptic substances is sufficient for cleaning. However, some harmful microorganisms settle in the skin and hair roots. These are the permanent flora of the skin, and for cleansing it is necessary to use hand washing products containing antimicrobial agents.
Bactericidal and antibacterial activity tests are performed in soaps and all hand washing products.