Electromagnetic Alan measurements

Today, people are constantly exposed to electromagnetic fields because of mobile phones, radios, microwave ovens, internet wi-fi devices and many other electronic devices. In parallel with these developments in technology, many domestic and foreign organizations are conducting researches about electromagnetic field, electromagnetic field sources and effects of electromagnetic field on human health, limit values are determined and methods of protection from electromagnetic field are investigated.
Not only humans, but animals and plants, in short, the entire environment is under the influence of electromagnetic fields. The major danger is that electromagnetic pollution is not visible and its effects begin to emerge over time, not immediately. Therefore, it is not possible to say that enough efforts have been made on electromagnetic pollution. However, all humans and animals are increasingly exposed to electromagnetic fields at different frequencies.
Some safety standards have been established by different organizations for the electromagnetic fields occurring in this environment. ICNRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) standards are applied in this subject in our country.
An electrically charged object exerts a pushing or pulling force on another electrically charged object. This force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, and although its strength decreases, it can spread to very long distances. Each electric charge forms a certain electric field. When electric charges are displaced, a magnetic field is produced. The magnetic field strength decreases as the distance increases. Electromagnetic field is the effect of electrically charged objects on their environment. Electromagnetic fields are formed by the combination of electric and magnetic fields.
During the specific test studies, the current regulations and the relevant standards published by many domestic and foreign organizations are taken into consideration. In line with the needs of enterprises, our company also performs electromagnetic field measurements within the framework of specific tests.
Meanwhile, our organization has been accredited by ÖSAS accreditation organization in accordance with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Qualification of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and serves within this framework.