Hydrogen Sulfur measurement ve analysis

Hydrogen Sulfide Measurement and Analysis
Hydrogen Sulfide Measurement and Analysis

One of the toxic gases is hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten eggs and is colorless and volatile. Hydrogen sulfide, a very severe poison, is a gas heavier than air. Easily soluble in alcohol and water. It is also flammable. The air is explosive with hydrogen sulfide gas in close proximity to 50. In many places this gas is also referred to by different names such as sour gas or sulfur hydrogen.

In 2015, a very important property of hydrogen sulfide was discovered. Hydrogen sulfide, kept under very high pressure, shows a superconductivity of minus 70. With this feature, hydrogen sulphide has the highest superconducting conversion temperature to date.

Hydrogen sulfide is a highly dangerous substance that has a lethal effect in the production of crude oil and natural gas. Because of this danger, it is observed carefully by the workers working in oil and gas sector. This gas is formed by the decomposition of sulfurous organic materials in wells drilled to extract oil.

When inhaled mixed air of hydrogen sulfide, people rapidly lose their ability to smell. The odor is therefore not sufficient to detect the gas. If hydrogen sulfide gas is inhaled for a while, loss of consciousness occurs in humans.

Approved detectors are used to detect the presence and quantity of this gas. In case of doubt, employees should be removed and hydrogen sulfide measurement and analysis carried out.

Hydrogen sulfide is classified as suffocating gases. The emission rates of these gases, ie, their rate of release into the air, the rate at which they interact with another air pollutant, the ventilation efficiency of the environment, and the way these gases behave in the natural process are factors that affect the concentration of gas in the air.

Taking these factors into consideration, hydrogen sulfide measurement and analysis results carried out by laboratories are of great importance.