flue soot analysis

Chimney Smoke Analysis
Chimney Smoke Analysis

By making emission measurements, enterprises increase the quality of their production processes. In addition, the company's fuel efficiency is significantly increased and fuel savings are achieved. But more importantly, air pollutants emitted in the air are purified and contribute to the protection of the environment.

When the fuel is completely burned, the carbon in it is converted to carbon dioxide, hydrogen is converted to water vapor and sulfur is converted to sulfur dioxide. If the chimney cleaning is not given importance in the plants, oxygen remains insufficient during the combustion process and carbon remains in the form of carbon monoxide without converting to carbon dioxide. This causes energy losses of up to 70 percent.

In order to achieve a perfect combustion, the enterprises must increase the amount of air supplied to the fuel to a certain extent. However, if this amount is not achieved, the above-described event occurs and the fuel is not used efficiently. But more importantly, it increases the level of occupancy in the chimneys. Increasing the smoke rate in the chimney means energy loss and higher cost.

Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of the combustion process, the companies should make and follow the flue gas analysis with the help of flue gas analyzers.

Carbon monoxide, which creates air pollution due to the fog and energy loss caused, is the most undesirable and emission accepted gas among the flue gases. In these cases, enterprises should increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the fuel and complete carbon monoxide and convert carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. In flue gas analysis, the limit of carbon monoxide amount is accepted as 100 ppm.

The TS ISO 12039 standard issued by the Turkish Standards Institute also points to this value (TS ISO 12039 Fixed Weld Emissions Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Determination - Performance Characteristics and Calibration of Automatic Measurement Systems).

While performing the smoke analysis in the chimney, maximum attention must be paid to this standard. The laboratories that will carry out the analysis must also use the appropriate devices and equipment in this standard.