Disinfectant Analyses
Cleaning and disinfection tests are basically grouped under three main headings:
• Detergent analyzes
• Disinfectant analysis
• Performance tests
As is known, detergent analysis generally includes physical and chemical analysis, microbiological analysis and bactericidal activity tests of cleaning products.
Disinfectant analysis also includes physical and chemical analysis of disinfection products, activity tests and bactericidal activity tests.
Residues, ie soils, which are undesirable to be present on any surface, can be of organic or inorganic properties. The removal of these soils from the surfaces and prevention of their growth in microorganisms is called cleaning. Disinfection processes, after the cleaning of the stage, the possibility of contamination of different products that can be completely destroyed or not harmful to microorganisms.
All kinds of chemicals used in disinfection process is called disinfectant. These substances do not show sterilization effect. Because some spore bacteria or resistant bacteria are resistant to disinfectants.
Cleaning must be performed before disinfection. Otherwise, some dirt and residues of organic character reduce the effectiveness of disinfectants. Disinfectants have two effects on microorganisms: either kill them, destroy them, or prevent them from growing and developing. If these disinfectants are effective on bacteria, this is called a bacteriocidal property.
Let's look briefly at the qualities that disinfectants should have:
• They should have a wide range of action, eg kill bacteria, molds and yeasts very quickly
• It should also be effective against residues of organic character or in case of accumulation of mineral salts due to hard water use
• It should not cause abrasion and should not adversely affect the painted surfaces.
• Must be odorless
• It must not be toxic and irritating.
• Easy to dissolve in water, should be easy to apply and should be easily removed
• Must be effective against different pH values
• It should be able to be stored for a long time in concentrated form
• Finally it should be economic, the price should not be high
Chlorine compounds which are widely used as disinfectants are very effective and very strong. Most chlorinated compounds are both inexpensive and usable even in hard water. However, there are also negative aspects. For example, they are corrosive to metals, react with plastics, and most importantly, they form new compounds with organic substances, destroying their effects. In addition, if they are kept waiting for a long time, they will change and lose their effects.
Another compound used as disinfectant is quaternary ammonium compounds. They are generally used for floor, wall and floor cleaning. It is especially preferred for disinfecting porous surfaces. They don't kill bacterial spores, but they stop their development.
Detergent-sanitizers are sanitizers suitable for health conditions. It consists of disinfectant and detergent separately. Therefore, both cleaning and disinfection processes are performed together.
The following disinfectant tests and analyzes are performed in accredited laboratories:
• Physical and chemical analyzes
o QAC based disinfectant analysis
o Cationic active substance analysis
o Alcohol-based disinfectant analysis
o Isopropyl alcohol analysis
o Ethyl alcohol analysis
o Chlorine based disinfectant analysis
o Active chlorine analysis
o Analysis of alkaline disinfectants
o Total alkalinity analysis
o Analysis of acidic disinfectants
o Total acidity analysis
• Activity tests
o Fungucidal activity tests
o Basic fungicidal activity test of disinfectants and antiseptics
o Fungicidal activity test of disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, home and industry
o Fungicidal activity test of disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary medicine
• Bactericidal activity tests
o Basic bactericidal activity test of disinfectants and antiseptics
o Bactericidal activity test of disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, home and industry
o Bactericidal activity test of disinfectants and antiseptics used in medicine
o Bactericidal activity test of hygienic hand washing disinfectants and antiseptics
o Bactericidal activity test of hygienic hand scrub disinfectants and antiseptics
o Antimicrobial activity tests in disinfectants