Salon curtains ve curtains Yanma feature (Small Flame)

Living Room Curtains and Curtains Burning Feature (Small Flame)
Living Room Curtains and Curtains Burning Feature (Small Flame)

Theoretically, combustion is an exothermic process that occurs when heat, oxygen and suitable fuel are combined. Essentially, the combustion continues until one of them is exhausted.

When exposed to heat, the temperature of the fibers begins to increase. In the meantime, chemical changes start to occur in the fiber and non-combustible gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen and sulfur oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen combustible gases and many oxidizable organic molecules are formed. When the combustion temperature rises further, the combustion occurs by combining the combustion gases with oxygen. These reactions produce a large amount of light and heat. In this case, a greater amount of combustion gases is produced and the combustion event increases.

The combustion behavior of textile products is influenced by factors such as the fiber type and fiber blends in the texture, the structure of the ignition source, the contact time to the fabric surface, the point of ignition, ie the edge, bottom or face of the fabric, the ambient temperature, the humidity and the flow rate of the air. In the meantime, different yarn twisting methods give the yarns different burning resistance.

Hall curtains and burning properties of curtains are also tested in various ways by authorized laboratories. These include small flame tests. These tests comply with the following standards:

  • BS EN 1101 Textiles and textile products - Combustion behavior - Curtains and drapes - Detailed procedure for determining the flammability of vertically oriented samples (small flame)
  • TS EN 1101-1 Textiles and textile products - Combustion property - Hall curtains and curtains - Detailed method for the determination of flammability of test specimens in vertical position (small flame)

This standard specifies a test method for determining the flammable properties of hall curtains in accordance with the method described in EN ISO 6940 standard.