Bags Benchmarks
The usage area of the bag is quite wide. The bags meet the special needs on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are a very important accessory that complements the garments and adds value to the garments if they are chosen carefully. Although the use of bags is quite high in women, it also meets a serious need for men and children. Stationery bags, lunch bags, sports bags, backpacks, school bags and of course a wide range of bags such as women's bags are produced.
Briefly, bags are produced in different sizes and shapes and with different materials. Moreover, it can have different features according to the season it will be used. Different materials such as leather, artificial leather, fabric or knitting are used to make the bags. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, the most important criterion is the price. Bags made of leather are probably the most expensive, but superior in quality and durability.
When it comes to price, naturally most of the bags are made of artificial leather or plastic materials. However, according to the results of recent research and health screening, plastic does not seem to be innocent.
In addition, some of the dyes used to color bags, whether made of leather or other materials, threaten human health. Since the bags are hand-held products that are in contact with the skin, there is a risk that any chemical substances used in the manufacture of the bags can be absorbed from the skin surface and enter the body. Harmful chemicals accumulate in the body and show some toxic and carcinogenic properties.
Taking into account all these hazards, the chemical properties of the bags and some fastness values need to be tested and analyzed. These tests are proof of product reliability. All tests carried out in authorized laboratories comply with legal regulations and published domestic and foreign standards.