antifungal Activity determination

Determination of Antifungal Activity
Determination of Antifungal Activity

The life cycle of fungi begins with spores found in the air and on objects. Spores are small organisms with a diameter of around 1 microns. Due to their very small size, they are easily transported over long distances by airflow and are only attached to surfaces in very stagnant weather conditions. The spores can remain inactive for a very long time and as soon as they find suitable conditions, their development begins. These favorable conditions are generally: temperature of 20 and above, relative humidity of 70 and above, and the presence of a source of organic food in paper, books, wood or similar. Mold growth is most common in the dark and inadequate air flow. If these conditions that allow the development of mold are not prevented, the spores begin to develop and penetrate into the objects they adhere to and begin to damage.

The only condition for long-term protection from molds is the elimination of favorable conditions for their development. Antifungals are pharmacological products used against fungal formation. These products are used to prevent and kill further growth of fungi. However, if these drugs are not used properly, they may have side effects that threaten human health. In order to be able to fight right, you need to know what caused the mold outbreak. The genus of fungi and how they develop organisms should be well understood.

Antifungal activity analyzes are also performed in authorized laboratories within the scope of microbiology tests. In order to prove that they are reliable and impartial in these studies, laboratories receive authorization from domestic and foreign accreditation organizations and comply with published standards. The antifungal activity analysis is based on:

  • AATCC 30 Antifungal activity - Evaluation on textile materials: mold and rot resistance of textiles

This test method has two purposes. The first objective is to determine the susceptibility to mold and decay of textile products, and the second purpose is to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides on textile products.