warehousing Paint Transfers fastness

Dye Transfer Fastness in Storage
Dye Transfer Fastness in Storage

In textile products stored in the same place, sometimes dye transfer takes place from one to the other. This phenomenon is different from sublimation. This is because sublimation is the state where solids are directly gaseous without becoming liquid under high temperature. In short, sublimation is a temperature-dependent state change. That is, sublimation occurs with colors under temperature as well as uncoloured dyes.

Essentially, the dye transfer consists of the fabrics or garments being in close contact with each other and being folded in different shades. Under normal conditions, the amount of dye transferred is condensed when moisture is present. Therefore, in hot and humid weather this problem becomes more pronounced if the fabrics or garments are exposed to steam just before they are stored. Especially when stored in plastic bags, fabric or clothing, the initial moisture content of the environmentını protection eğscienceöand the sand as soon as they enter the bag state nğlı As the paint transfer can be further increased.

When determining the fastness of dye transfer in storage, it is evaluated whether color transfer will occur in case of long-term storage. If there is no color transfer under the conditions specified in the standards, no color transfer problems are expected under normal storage or long storage conditions.

This test method is also used to assess possible color transfer problems associated with finishing. Some dyes naturally have more color transfer properties than others, and some chemical surfaces and finishing conditions accelerate this transfer.

In storage transfer tests carried out by authorized laboratories, dye transfer fastness tests are carried out in accordance with the following standards:

  • AATCC 163 Renk fastness: Transfer through storage - Fabric to fabric

The laboratories use the latest technological devices and methods in order to ensure that the evaluations to be carried out provide high quality, fast and reliable results and they also have a trained and experienced staff.