Rupture strength - Grave

Tensile Strength - Grab
Tensile Strength - Grab

In addition to the fabric texture and strength of the fiber used, the flexibility of the fabric, its flowability, moisture absorption, paint holding capacity and similar properties are indicative of the quality and durability of that fabric.

In general, the basic properties that determine the quality of the textile material and affect its strength are:

  • Fiber properties: Fiber type, fineness, length, maturity and strength
  • Yarn properties: Twist factors, count and unevenness
  • Fabric structure: Wet and dry heat treatments, weave and crimp percentage
  • Fabric finishing: Processes to give desired properties to fabric

Determination of tensile strength is a test method applied to woven fabrics, and essentially two separate methods are applied: grap and strip methods.

Tensile strength is the greatest force applied to the fabric sample in a tensile test resulting in rupture.

Grab tests are applied for knitted and non-knitted woven fabrics, but improved grip tests are applied mainly for knitted woven fabrics. In these tests, the width center of the fabric taken as an example is tested in the jaw. During the test, the fabric is drawn at a specified force until break.

In laboratories, these tests are applied to standards published by domestic and foreign organizations. The standards based on grab tests are as follows:

  • ASTM D5034 Fracture strength and elongation of textile fabrics - Grip test
  • TS EN ISO 13934-2 Textile - Tensile properties of fabrics - Part 2: Determination of maximum force using the coupling method

The main material of textile products, the fabric, can have all the properties it should possess for a particular purpose. However, if this fabric is not strong enough to resist the forces it will be exposed to in various ways during use, it has no value. It can be dismantled, torn or exploded in the face of any force. Laboratory tests are used to measure the resistance of the fabric to the forces it will be exposed to.