pH determination

Determination of pH
Determination of pH

Generally, the pH value is a unit of measure that indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Normal human skin mainly has a pH value between 4,5 and 6. This value protects the skin from negative external factors such as sun, wind, toxic substances and environmental pollution. Harmful bacteria, chemicals and pollutants such as alkaline in the air damage the skin. In order to eliminate acne, blackheads and similar skin problems on the skin, it is necessary to maintain the natural pH level of the skin.

Skin care products, which are among the cosmetic products, should contain healthy ingredients as well as be compatible with the natural pH of the skin. With aging, the acidic properties of the skin begin to decrease and the alkaline value begins to increase. At this point the skin begins to weaken and cannot protect itself. In this case, skin protection products are needed. For the sake of safety, the pH of the product used must be between 4,5 and 5,5.

If the pH value of shampoos which is another cosmetic product is 5,5, these shampoos complete the deficiencies such as minerals and vitamins needed in the scalp and hair strands, renew the cells in the scalp and repair the unhealthy hair. In the meantime, shampoos with a pH value of 5,5 are good for dandruff problems and hair problems.

It is especially important that liquid soaps and shower gels have a pH balanced. For the skin to be bright, smooth and healthy, the pH of these products must be acidic, that is, the average 5,5 pH. Otherwise, skin sensitivities, redness, allergies and dryness are seen.

Authorized laboratories also perform pH determination within the scope of physical examination procedures. These studies are based on the limitations specified in legal regulations and standards developed by domestic or foreign organizations. Here are a few of these standards:

  • TS 4811 Skin cream
  • TS 518 / T2 Synthetic detergents
  • TS 11885 / T2 Cleaning agents - Hand washing