Scales (Automatic Non weighing Devices) Calibration
Mechanical calibration studies include the calibration of the mechanical parts of the devices. Scale calibration or pressure calibration is an example of this type of mechanical calibration.
Calibration of the balance, calibration of non-automatic weighing devices or calibration of all kinds of weight measuring devices are performed within the scope of balance calibration. In these studies, steel masses with high weights conforming to standards and high accuracy levels are used. Reference standard masses all over the world are produced based on the prototype mass 54 in our country, 1 kg weight within the International Office of Weights and Measures (BIPM).
When the balance is being calibrated, a suitable reference mass is placed on the scale to be calibrated and the difference between this reference mass value and the current measured value is taken into consideration.
A reference has been issued with the EAL-G12 code (EAL, Assurance Level) to ensure traceability of the measurement and testing instruments to national standards. Traceability according to this publication means that the value read on a measuring instrument is compared with one or more national standards. In these processes, calibration is performed with a standard with higher metrological quality. The EAL-G12 reference is a guide to the calibration and maintenance of measuring instruments to meet the requirements of the TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.
The laboratories providing calibration, analysis and testing services are accredited according to TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard. In the advanced laboratories, calibration and non-automatic weighing devices are calibrated within the scope of calibration works. During these studies, standards and test methods published by local and foreign organizations are taken as basis. The standard considered in this respect is:
- TS 12962 Authorized services - For weighing instruments and scales (scales, scales) - Rules