Vibration Exposure (Hand, Sleeve ve All Body) measurement
By the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in 2013, The Regulation on the Protection of Employees from Vibration Related Risks has been issued. This regulation aims to protect employees from mechanical vibration and health and safety risks. This regulation is based on the directive 2002 / 44 / EC issued by the European Union.
According to the Regulation on Exposure Limit Values and Exposure Action Values of the said regulation, the values to be considered in the enterprises are as follows:
- For hand and arm vibration,
- Daily exposure limit value 5 m / s2 during eight hours of operation
- Daily exposure action value for eight hours operating time 2,5 m / s2
- For whole body vibration,
- Daily exposure limit value 1,15 m / s2 during eight hours of operation
- Daily exposure action value for eight hours operating time 0,5 m / s2
The exposure limit value and exposure action value in these criteria shall mean:
- Exposure action value is the value that requires the control of the risks to which the employee will be harmed in case of exceedance.
- Exposure limit value is the value that employees should not be exposed to above this level.
Vibration measurements are carried out by accredited laboratories within the framework of personal exposure measurements and the limits and standards published in the above-mentioned regulation are complied with. A few of these standards are as follows:
- TS EN ISO 5349-1 Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of hand-held vibration to which persons are exposed - Part 1: General rules
- Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of the vibration delivered to the body by hand - Part 5349: Practical guide for measuring workplaces
Laboratories also comply with TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.