Internal Environment measurements

Internal Ambient Measurements
Internal Ambient Measurements

According to current regulations, occupational accidents are an event that occurs in one of the following situations and harms employees in terms of physical and mental health at the time or later:

  • While the work is in the workplace
  • Due to work being carried out by the employer
  • Due to the fact that the work is sent by the employer to another location
  • Female employee in the allotted time to give milk to her child
  • When employees are taken and brought to the place where the work is done collectively by a vehicle provided by the employer.

The Occupational Health and Safety Law issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in 2012 regulates the duties, powers, responsibilities, rights and obligations of employers and employees in order to ensure occupational health and safety in the workplaces and to improve the existing health and safety conditions.

This law covers all public and private businesses and workplaces, employers and all employees including apprentices and trainees, regardless of their field of activity.

Areas not covered by this law are:

  • Activities of military units, law enforcement agencies and National Intelligence Organization, except those working in factories, maintenance centers, sewing houses and similar workplaces
  • Activities of disaster and emergency units
  • Home Services
  • Persons who produce goods and services on their behalf and do not use any other employees
  • Vocational training activities for convicts and detainees

In accordance with the law, employers are obliged to take into account the following principles for the protection of risks while fulfilling their obligations:

  • Avoiding risks
  • To measure and analyze the risks that cannot be avoided
  • To combat risks at source
  • To take care in the selection of working environment, work equipment, working style and methods in order to make the work suitable for the employees
  • To prevent or minimize the negative effects of the work on the health and safety of employees, especially in jobs requiring uniform work and production tempo
  • To follow technical developments and adapt
  • Replacing hazardous jobs with non-hazardous or less hazardous ones
  • Develop a prevention policy that includes the effects of factors related to the use of technology, work distribution, working conditions, social relations and the work environment
  • Giving priority to collective protection measures over personal protection measures
  • Giving employees appropriate jobs according to their abilities and skills

At this point, it is important for employers to determine hazard classes and to carry out risk assessment, control, measurement and research studies. Workplace hazard classes are determined in accordance with the Communiqué on the List of Hazard Classes Related to Occupational Health and Safety published in 2012. When determining workplace hazard classes, the actual work done in the workplace is taken into consideration.

As for risk assessment, control, measurement and research. The employer is obliged to carry out or carry out risk assessment in the workplace to ensure occupational health and safety. The following factors must be considered in the risk assessment study:

  • Status of employees to be affected by certain risks
  • Selection of work equipment and chemicals and products
  • Layout of the workplace
  • Situation of groups requiring special treatment such as young, old, pregnant, lactating or disabled persons and female employees

In accordance with the law, employers will take the necessary occupational health and safety measures based on the results of the risk assessment and determine the protective materials to be used. These measures, working methods and production methods will increase the level of protection of employees in terms of health and safety.

To ensure this, employers must ensure that a number of controls, measurements, investigations and investigations are carried out both in the work environment and in determining the risks to which employees are exposed. Some of the works to be carried out within this framework are as follows:

  • Noise measurement
  • Vibration measurement
  • Thermal comfort measurement
  • Lighting measurement
  • Dust measurement
  • Heavy metal measurement
  • Measurement of inorganic acid
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) measurement
  • Toxic gas measurement
  • Ambient dust measurement (PM1, PM2.5, PM5, PM10)
  • Breathable total dust measurement
  • Silica measurement
  • Electromagnetic field measurement
  • Indoor air quality measurements