E. coli O157: H7 Calling Fast Test

E. coli O157: H7 bacterial species, gram negative, facultative anaerobe, 37 and pH 7,2 at the optimum level of growth, is a bacterium that is mobile and resistant to heat applications. Two different analysis methods are used to determine the O157: H7 species of Escherichia coli bacteria. A group of analyzes are classical methods of analysis. A group of analyzes are quick methods. Classical analysis methods are carried out by selective enrichment and seeding on solid media. According to the principles of Turkish Food Codex, the presence of E. coli O157: H7 bacteria in foods is investigated in 25 gram sample. The test samples are taken under aseptic conditions and the cold chain is protected and brought to the laboratory. E. coli O157: Immunological test kits prepared with the principle of immune flow are used for rapid tests for H7 analyzes. The suspension of the colony from the selective enrichment medium culture in water is kept in boiling water for about 15 minutes and then brought to room temperature. Then, a certain amount of this suspension is taken into the kit and placed at room temperature for 20 minutes. A red strip should appear on the kit during this time. This red strip indicates the presence of E. coli O157: H7 in the test sample. These kits are called rapid kits because they give results in about half an hour after the pre-enrichment step. However, the positive result obtained with this kit is only for escherichia coli O157: H7. H7 antiserum is also required to confirm this bacterial species. In advanced laboratories, rapid tests for the determination of E. coli O157: H7 are carried out within the framework of microbiological analyzes. During these studies, domestic and foreign standards and analysis methods are taken as basis. The standard taken into consideration in this respect is: • TS EN ISO 16654 Microbiology of food and animal feed - horizontal method for detection of Eschericha coli O157
E. coli O157:H7 is a gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacteria that reproduces optimally at 37 degrees and pH 7,2, is motile and has no resistance to heat treatments. Two different analysis methods are applied to detect the O157:H7 strain of Escherichia coli bacteria. A group of analyzes are classical analysis methods. A group of analyzes are rapid methods. Classical analysis methods are carried out by selective enrichment and cultivation in solid media. According to the principles of the Turkish Food Codex, the presence of E. coli O157:H7 bacteria in foods is investigated in 25 grams of sample. Test samples are taken under aseptic conditions and brought to the laboratory by maintaining the cold chain. Immunological test kits prepared with the principle of immune flow are used for rapid tests for E. coli O157:H7 analysis. The suspension of the colony taken from the selective enrichment medium culture in water is kept in boiling water for 15 minutes and then brought to room temperature. Then, a certain amount of this suspension is taken and put into the eye of the kit and left at room temperature for 20 minutes. A red stripe should form on the kit during this time. This red stripe indicates the presence of E. coli O157:H7 in the test sample. These kits are called rapid kits because they give results in about half an hour after the pre-enrichment step. However, the positive result obtained with this kit is only for escherichia coli O157:H7 strain. It is necessary to use H7 antiserum for the confirmation of this bacterial species. In advanced laboratories, rapid tests are carried out for the determination of E. coli O157:H7 within the framework of microbiological analysis. During these studies, domestic and foreign standards and analysis methods are taken as basis. The standard taken into account in this regard is: • TS EN ISO 16654 Microbiology of food and animal feed - Horizontal method for the detection of Eschericha coli O157

E. coli O157: H7 bacterial species, gram negative, facultative anaerobe, 37 and pH 7,2 at the optimum level of growth, is a bacterium that is mobile and resistant to heat applications.

Two different analysis methods are used to determine the O157: H7 species of Escherichia coli bacteria. A group of analyzes are classical methods of analysis. A group of analyzes are quick methods. Classical analysis methods are carried out by selective enrichment and seeding on solid media. According to the principles of Turkish Food Codex, the presence of E. coli O157: H7 bacteria in foods is investigated in 25 gram sample. The test samples are taken under aseptic conditions and the cold chain is protected and brought to the laboratory.

E. coli O157: Immunological test kits prepared with the principle of immune flow are used for rapid tests for H7 analyzes. The suspension of the colony from the selective enrichment medium culture in water is kept in boiling water for about 15 minutes and then brought to room temperature. Then, a certain amount of this suspension is taken into the kit and placed at room temperature for 20 minutes. A red strip should appear on the kit during this time. This red strip indicates the presence of E. coli O157: H7 in the test sample.

These kits are called rapid kits because they give results in about half an hour after the pre-enrichment step. However, the positive result obtained with this kit is only for escherichia coli O157: H7. H7 antiserum is also required to confirm this bacterial species.

In advanced laboratories, rapid tests for the determination of E. coli O157: H7 are carried out within the framework of microbiological analyzes. During these studies, domestic and foreign standards and analysis methods are taken as basis. The standard received in this regard is dkkate:

  • TS EN ISO 16654 Microbiology of food and animal feed - horizontal method for detection of Eschericha coli O157