Artificial sweeteners determination - cyclamate (HPLC)

Today, low-calorie or calorie-free artificial sweeteners are included in the ingredients of biscuits, jams, cola, gum and many other foods that are marketed as sugar-free or dietary. There are also different artificial sweeteners for diabetics to use in their daily needs. Today, a large number of people use artificial sweeteners because of diabetes or to avoid overweight.
One of these artificial sweeteners is cyclamate. Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener found by chance in 1937 by a doctoral student. Cyclamate 30-50 is sweeter than sugar.
Foods produced using low-calorie artificial sweeteners contain less calories than foods produced with sugar. However, food products made using such sweeteners, called sugar-free, sometimes contain higher amounts of fat and more calories than normal sugary products. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when using artificial sweeteners not only in terms of sugar but also in terms of calorie values they provide.
In addition, if artificial foodstuffs such as fructose are used in large quantities, they increase blood sugar and cause weight gain.
Sodium cyclamate is used in low-calorie products, cold-served drinks, baked products, tablet-type sweeteners, long-term products, iced teas, instant drinks, breakfast cereals, dairy products, jams and marmalades, sports drinks, chocolate and confectionery products. .
In the context of chemical food analysis, studies are carried out by authorized laboratories to determine the cyclamate substance among many artificial sweeteners by high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC). In these studies, the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with. The standards considered in the designation of cyclamate are:
- TS EN 1379 Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate and saccharin in liquid sweeteners used in table - HPLC method
- TS EN 12857 Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate - High performance liquid chromatographic method