Artificial sweeteners determination - the Sakkara (HPLC)

The sweetener named saccharin was synthesized in the laboratory in the late nineteenth century from a chemical substance called toluene. When a pharmacist experimented on coal tar, he accidentally realized the taste of saccharin. While there was a shortage of sugar during the First World War, saccharin was widely used. Since it is low calorie, it has started to be used more after the war. 300-400 is sweeter than normal sugar.
In the European Union countries, saccharin, which is registered as a food additive with the code E954, has a cancer-causing effect on the urinary tract according to various research results. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibited the use of saccharin in humans because of the risk of cancer, as research into animals in 1977 proves that the use of high doses of saccharin causes tumor formation in the urinary system of animals. In the following years, it was forbidden to use only pregnant women when it became clear that limited use of saccharin could be safe for health.
In our country, saccharin artificial sweetener is used to give flavor to products such as candies, drinks, medicine and toothpaste to the extent permitted. In spite of this sweetener, saccharin has no nutritional value.
In the context of chemical food analysis, studies are carried out by authorized laboratories to determine the saccharin substance among various artificial sweeteners. In these studies, high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) is preferred and the standards published by local and foreign organizations are followed. The standards considered in the determination of saccharin are:
- TS EN 1376 Foodstuffs - Determination of saccharin in sweetening tablets used in table - Spectrometric method
- TS EN 1379 Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate and saccharin in liquid sweeteners used in table - HPLC method
- TS EN 12856 foodstuffs - Determination of asesulfam-K, aspartame and saccharin - High performance liquid chromatography