Artificial sweeteners determination - aspartame (HPLC)

One gram of natural sugar contains 4 calories. One teaspoon of sugar means about 15-16 calories. On the other hand, a box of cola means 130 calories. Especially people who want to lose weight or at least not to gain weight use artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes.
Sugar alcohols are carbohydrates that occur naturally in some fruits and vegetables. However, they are no sweeter than sugar and should not be regarded as sweeteners. Because it contains calories, although not as much as normal sugar. Nevertheless, sugar alcohols are an attractive alternative with these properties. In addition, although the name of alcohol in the alcohol content of alcohol is not alcohol. Sugar alcohols are used in processed foods in food industry or in food products such as chocolate, frozen desserts, gum, toothpaste, bakery products and fruit paste.
Aspartame is a sweetener which is 180 times sweeter than tea sugar. Aspartame has not been proven to be harmful to human health, as there is considerable debate about its safety. It is registered as a food additive with the code E951 in the European Union countries.
In the context of chemical food analysis, studies are carried out by authorized laboratories to determine the aspartame substance among various artificial sweeteners. In these studies, high performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) is preferred and the standards published by local and foreign organizations are followed. The standards considered in the determination of aspartame are:
- TSE CEN / TS 15606 Foodstuffs - Determination of asesulfam-K, aspartame, neohespridine-dihydrochalcone and saccharin - High performance liquid chromatography method
- TS EN 1378 Foodstuffs - Determination of aspartame in sweetening tablets used in table - HPLC method
- TS EN 12856 foodstuffs - Determination of asesulfam-K, aspartame and saccharin - High performance liquid chromatography