Artificial sweeteners determination - I acesulfame K (HPLC)

The most prominent aspect of artificial sweeteners is that they do not contain any calories and are not nutritious. Therefore, those who want to lose weight or those who want to prevent weight gain instead of normal sugar instead of artificial sweeteners. It is also a good alternative for diabetics to use artificial sweeteners under the supervision of a doctor rather than using normal sugars.
Artificial sweeteners do not substantially raise blood sugar levels because they are not carbohydrates.
Various studies have been conducted on the negative health effects of artificial sweeteners for many years. In fact, a study of mice showed a relationship between saccharin and bladder cancer. Therefore, there is a warning on the saccharin labels that it may be harmful for health. Studies in the United States have shown no scientific evidence that artificial sweeteners used cause cancer or other serious health problems.
Acesulfame potassium is an artificial sweetener approved for use in 1988. Its taste is 200 times higher than sugar. Acesulfam potassium is not metabolized in the body and is excreted in the urine. No carcinogenic effects were detected. Does not change the structure during cooking and baking of foods.
In the context of chemical food analysis, studies are carried out by authorized laboratories to determine acesulfam K (potassium) among various artificial sweeteners. High performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) is used in these studies. In addition, the standards issued by domestic and foreign organizations are also complied with. The standards considered in the determination of acesulfame potassium are:
- TSE CEN / TS 15606 Foodstuffs - Determination of asesulfam-K, aspartame, neohespridine-dihydrochalcone and saccharin - High performance liquid chromatography method
- TS EN 1377 Foodstuffs - Spectrometric method for the determination of acesulfame K in sweetener tablets used in table
- TS EN 12856 foodstuffs - Determination of asesulfam-K, aspartame and saccharin - High performance liquid chromatography