Fat ve Ham Fat determination

The most important issue in animal production in the food sector is the use of quality feed. Especially mixed feeds should be produced in accordance with certain standards. In this case, their composition is guaranteed. Pursuant to the legal regulations, continuous inspections are carried out by taking samples from feed production and sales places, and fraudulent feeds are prevented by placing quality controls on feeds.
The most important points in determining the quality of feeds are fat and carbohydrate content. Animals meet their energy needs from carbohydrates and fats contained in feed.
In addition to being an energy source of fats, another function is that they carry the fat-soluble vitamins and support the absorption of these vitamins in the intestines.
There is a certain amount of fat in the feed. Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, which are structural carbohydrates, are not easily digested by animals and they are not desired to be present in mixed feeds. For this reason, fat, cellulose, starch content and compliance with standards must be checked.
In the determination of crude oil in animal feeds, the feed sample is extracted with oil-soluble substances such as ethyl, ether, benzene or petroleum ether and the oil is separated from the sample and weighed.
In the annex of the Regulation on the Supply and Use of Feed to the Market issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, the limit values regarding the nutrient components of feedstuffs and compound feeds are given (Annex 4). Accordingly, the following tolerance values apply to the crude oil:
- Percentage 24 and above for declared values plus minus 3 units
- For values declared above percent 8 and below percent 24, plus or minus 12,5 of the declared value
- Plus minus 8 units for values declared less than 1 percent
Oil and crude oil determination studies are carried out by authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical food analysis. During these analyzes, the relevant legal regulations and the standards issued by national and international organizations are followed.