Vitamin Analyses (Each A Vitamin For) (HPLC)

Without vitamins, the body does not develop healthy, the digestive systems do not work and the body cannot gain immunity to infections. The body's use of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is also thanks to vitamins. Vitamins are not burned in the body, so they do not provide direct energy. The body removes excess water-soluble vitamins and stores excess fat-soluble vitamins in adipose tissues. Therefore, it is not right to take high amounts of fat-soluble vitamins. In this respect, consumption of vitamins A and D should be considered. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins B and C are water-soluble vitamins.
In the food sector, the number of foodstuffs enriched with vitamins is increasing day by day. The vitamin contents of these food products are controlled by the manufacturers and private laboratories in order to comply with the relevant legal regulations.
ELISA systems, microbiological methods and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods are used in vitamin analyzes. The HPLC method is a preferred method of analysis, although the settling step in the HPLC method is long and often costly due to failure. Vitamins and amino acids, which are found in natural and additive foods and feeds in laboratories, are dissolved in water and fat and are determined by using advanced techniques.
Within the scope of chemical food analysis by authorized laboratories, Food and feed analysis is carried out for each vitamin separately. High performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC) is generally used in these studies. In HPLC analysis, mobile phase is given at higher pressure and higher resolution separation is provided. This method provides reliable results in the separation of non-volatile or easily degradable chemical compounds at temperature. In the analysis of vitamins, the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are also complied with.