Urea determination (Microscopic)

In 2011, the Feed Hygiene Regulation was issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. This regulation includes the general rules on the hygiene conditions of feeds, regulations for the registration of feed establishments and ensuring the traceability of feeds. It covers the activities of feed operators at all stages from primary production to the introduction of feed to the market and issues related to feeding of animals for food purposes.
According to the said regulation, feed producing companies should not use any additives or premixes other than high moisture containing fermented feed additives stored in silos for the production of feeds, transport, storage, processing, transport to another company or in their silos for their animals. they are obliged to comply with the requirements set out in Annex 1 for their activities (Annex 1 Primary production).
Companies operating outside these activities or making feed mixes using feed additives or premix other than the additive allocated for their animals shall comply with the conditions specified in Annex 2 (Annex 2 Requirements for feed operations other than primary production).
Feed producing companies must comply with the microbiological criteria determined by the Ministry and take the necessary measures to meet these criteria.
Food animal feeding companies must comply with the requirements described in Annex 3 (Annex 3 Good animal feeding practices).
If urea is added as a source of protein to feeds, the company must comply with the current regulations and directives on feed additives issued in European Union countries.
Authorized laboratories carry out urea analyzes by microscopic method in feeds within the scope of chemical food analyzes. The standards adopted during these studies are as follows:
- TS 10338 Animal feed - Determination of urea
- TS 6319 Animal feed - Urea molasses
- TS 8477 Animal feed - Feeding urea