Total Energy (Calorie) determination

People need energy to sustain their daily lives. This energy need varies according to the activities carried out. More energy is consumed in intensive physical activities, while less energy is consumed in low physical activities. Breathing air, edible and smoked foods are processed by the human body and converted into energy.
The basic principle of regular and balanced nutrition is to meet the energy needs of the body. Foods are different sources of energy depending on the quantity and type of nutrients they contain. In other words, energy values of foods are different according to the types and amounts of nutrients in their composition. Almost all of the nutrients taken into the body are digested and absorbed. Approximately 92 percent of proteins, 95 percent of fats and 97 percent of carbohydrates are digested.
The approximate amounts of energy that a gram of energizing substances provide to the body are:
- Proteins 4 calories
- Carbohydrates 4 calories
- Fats 9 calories
- Alcohol 7 calories
The amount of carbohydrate, fat and protein in foods is determined by special methods in laboratories.
The energy generated in the body is necessary for growth, the functioning of organs, the maintenance of body temperature, daily activities and studies. Cells in the body consume approximately 60 of daily energy intake. 15 percent of the remaining energy is spent during the absorption of the food taken. The remaining part is spent by the muscles that provide mobility during the day. In short, the more action you take, the faster your metabolism works.
There are many factors affecting the total daily energy need. Gender differences, physiological differences, body type differences, age, growth age, pregnancy status, diet, ambient temperature, physical activities and various disease states affect the total amount of calories the body needs.
Total energy (calorie) amount determination studies are carried out in the authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical analyzes. In these studies, standards and test methods published by domestic and foreign organizations are followed.