Sesame Oil Calling

Sesame oil produced from sesame seeds is a vegetable oil. Nowadays it is used as a flavor enhancer in world cuisine. Sesame plant is spread from Africa to the world and grows mostly in warm climates. Sesame is the main ingredient of tahini. Sesame contains protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and B vitamins. Almost half of sesame is fat and is generally consumed as edible. The remaining pulp after removal of oil is used as animal feed. Sesame oil, which is a very important food for human health care, is known and used even five thousand years ago.
Sesame oil has an aphrodisiac effect and is known to increase sexual power. It is also a source of energy and relieves physical fatigue. It also has antioxidant properties and delays the effects of aging. It also slows the spread of cancer cells and acts as a protective against cancer. Sesame oil also delays bone resorption, which is the general problem of women in older ages. Omega 6 and Omega 9 are abundant in the mental and physical development of children.
Despite all these benefits, sesame oil can cause weight gain and some immune problems if consumed excessively, even if it is in the unsaturated fat group. In addition, due to the complex protein structure it contains, it can cause allergies in people with a sensitive body. The truth is to take care of a balanced diet without overloading.
In authorized laboratories, sesame oil is searched within the scope of chemical food analysis. In these studies, standards and analysis methods issued by national and international organizations are followed. The standard used for the search for sesame oil is:
- TS 5044 Animal and vegetable oils - Searching for sesame oil
This standard covers the search for sesame oil in edible oils by modified Villavecchia method.