Rhodamine-B analysis (HPLC)

Rhodamine-B is a chemical compound and is used as a dye. The results of research conducted in the USA show that Rhodamine-B compound has cancerous properties. It is therefore made necessary to place a warning on the labels of the products in which this compound is used. It is known that the Rhodamine-B compound is used illegally to impart this color to the red pepper. This is particularly being investigated in food safety audits.
Rhodamine dyes are generally used as a tracer dye to determine the flow rate and direction in water. In addition, rhodamine dyes are widely used in biotechnology applications. For example in biotechnology applications such as fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and ELISA.
Auramine O-Rhodamine B (ARB) is used to obtain yellow color in fluorescent dyes applied in chemical researches. This dye provides acid-resistant staining.
Dyestuffs are the leading pollutants that are of organic origin and cause environmental pollution. Many of the dyestuffs are toxic and, if in direct contact, irritate the skin, cause allergies, and in some cases even cause cancer. Textile, leather, cosmetics, paper, leather and plastic sectors as well as dyestuffs are used as additives in the food industry. Various dyestuff impurities adversely affect both human health and the ecological balance of the natural environment.
There are approximately ten thousand different dyes and pigments and millions of tons of dyes and pigments are produced each year around the world. Almost one percent of these 15 is mixed with wastewater and therefore streams, lakes and seas. These dyestuffs include Rhodamine-B, a cationic compound, which has a poisoning effect, even at very low concentrations.
Rhodamine-B analyzes are also performed in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method is used in these studies.