Quinik Acid determination (HPLC)

Polyphenols or phenolic compounds are chemical compounds containing benzene rings in their structures. All plants form a large number of phenolic substances in their metabolism to protect themselves against pests. Phenolic compounds give the unique bitter or astringent taste of vegetables and fruits. One of the most common phenolic compounds among polyphenols is quinic acid. Quinic acid, which is found in fruits, vegetables and green herbs in large amounts, is converted to benzoic acid within the organism.
The importance of phenolic substances and quinic acid as a food component for human health is that they are effective in taste and odor formation in vegetables and fruits, they participate in color formation and change, they show antioxidative and antimicrobial effects and they participate in the activities of enzymes.
Phenolic compounds cause color changes in foods. The most important of these color changes is enzymatic browning. Enzymatic browning reactions cause loss of quality in food products. For this reason, enzyme activity is tried to be prevented by various methods during processing of vegetables and fruits.
An important feature of phenolic compounds is their antioxidant effects. Gallic acid, caffeic acid and genticic acid as well as quinic acid is one of the most antioxidant acids. Antioxidants especially play an important role in preventing disease formation.
To benefit from the positive health effects of polyphenols and quinic acid, it is necessary to gain lifelong feeding habits. What is important here is to acquire preventive or preventive eating habits.
Determination of quinic acid in phenolic compounds in chemical laboratories within the scope of chemical tests are carried out and the highest performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) device is used in these studies. This method provides precise results in the separation of non-volatile or easily degradable chemical compounds at temperature. The standards and analysis methods published in our country and foreign countries are also complied with in the studies.