PCB Leftovers analysis

Permanent organic pollutants which are mixed with nature, stay in the environment for a long time because they show high resistance, this way leads to biological accumulation by crossing the food chain and thus posing a danger to human health and environmental conditions. Moreover, persistent organic pollutants reach very long distances with the movement of air and spread over a large area. Polychlorinated biphenyls, known as PCBs, are one of these persistent organic pollutants that accumulate in the tissues of animals and humans, creating a global health and environmental problem. The harmful effects of PCBs occur when they are fed or contaminated with food or when they come into contact with the skin. The biggest danger of PCBs is that they cause cancer and nervous system diseases.
Polychlorinated biphenyls have more harmful effects if they are not completely destroyed or if they do not burn completely. In this case polychlorinated furans and polychlorinated dioxins are the most toxic compounds detected.
In the food sector, PCBs are shown as electrical devices used in animal husbandry, dairies, milking parlors and crop stables. Polychlorinated biphenyls are used as insulating and lubricating agents in these devices.
In the European Union and many other countries, there are strict regulations regarding PCBs and dioxins in food and food products. Food products containing these substances should not be offered to consumers. In food analysis laboratories, high resolution gas chromatography, mass spectrometry (GC / MS) or gas chromatography, mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods are generally used.
In the laboratories, PCB residue analyzes are also performed in food products. In addition, the standards prepared by organizations operating in our country and in foreign countries and the methods of analysis and test criteria accepted in the world are complied with.