Pantetol determination

Especially women complain more than skin dryness. In general, they prefer to use strong moisturizers in the art, which include compounds such as lanolin, glycerin or pantothol. According to various research results, many powerful moisturizing cosmetic products prevent or delay skin aging, remove wrinkles and prevent discoloration of the skin.
In addition, pantothol is a water-soluble vitamin B complex. Pantetol facilitates the development and growth of nervous system cells. It also provides adrenal glands to work. Pantetol's most important task, carbohydrates, fat and protein is to support the production of energy. It also plays a critical role in the regeneration of red blood cells. For adults, daily intake of 10 mg pantetol is recommended.
Vitamin B5 plays an important role in the body's energy production. Vitamin B5 is present in herbal and animal food products. Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid is named after it is found in animal and vegetable foods (pantos in Greek means everywhere). Vitamin B5 is soluble in water and alcohol and is heat sensitive. Food passes to water while cooking. However, it is a vitamin that is not stored in the body.
Pantetol is effective in healing wounds and in the production of antibodies in the body and in overcoming various infections. It also reduces the undesirable toxic effects of antibiotics.
However, pantetol deficiency in the body causes hypoglycemia, blood and skin complaints.
Pantetol is most commonly found in meats, chicken, whole grains, wheat germ, offal products such as kidney, liver and heart, green vegetables and nuts.
Pantetol, pantothenic acid or B5 vitamin determination studies are carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, the standards published by the organizations operating in our country and foreign countries and the methods of analysis and test criteria accepted in the world are complied with.