PAH (Polyaromatik Hydrocarbons) analysis

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs for short) are also organic compounds that are caused by incomplete combustion of organic compounds and that cause poisoning and cancer. Hazardous substances such as industrial wastes, pesticides, cigarette smoke and industrial flue gases spread to the environment and are mixed with water, air, soil and food. Therefore, it is among the most important pollutants that threaten human health. PAHs enter the human body and cause mutations in DNA.
The transmission of PAHs to foodstuffs occurs in two ways. One is the environmental factors (air, water and soil) described above. The other is the process of preparing foods.
PAHs were first detected when skin cancers were found in chimney sweepers during 1770. Benzo (a) pyrene is the most recognized PAH compound. The presence of this component in foods has carcinogenic effects.
In industrially produced areas, the accumulation of polluted air components in plant products and PAHs occur in cereals, vegetables and fruits. Some PAH compounds are formed by the decay of plants.
PAHs remain in people's adipose tissue for years, pass into the blood in cases of stress and hunger and begin to show their effects even after years. PAHs are potential carcinogenic compounds that have cancer-causing, developing and promoting properties. PAHs have been shown to cause lung, bladder and skin cancers in humans. The Turkish Food Codex has published the limit values of PAHs in foodstuffs.
PAHs are produced during grilling, smoking and frying made in barbecue or charcoal. PAH formation below 400 is low, but as temperature increases, PAH formation accelerates. In addition, if the meat is kept closer to the fire than 10 cm while grilling, the formation of PAH increases.
In authorized laboratories, PAH (polyaromatic hydrocarbons) determination studies are carried out within the scope of chemical tests and standards are published by organizations operating in our country and foreign countries and analysis methods and test criteria accepted in the world are complied with.