oleuropein determination

According to the results of many researches, the olive leaf contains more than one hundred substances. The most active ingredient is oleuropein, one of the polyphenolic antioxidants. Oleonic acid contained in the content of eleonic acid, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.
Oleuropein has been shown to be effective against a large number of bacteria. It is also an antioxidant and glycoside with therapeutic effect. Although glycosides are usually found in leaves, they are also found in the bark, root and fruit of the olive tree. The glycoside structure affects the cell wall and strengthens the immune system. The taste of oleuropein is a bitter and bitter taste. This flavor is removed from the fruit during processing and bringing it in a renewable state. The content of oleuropein in the content of elenolic acid, has the ability to keep away from a large number of microorganisms.
Oleuropein alleviates the effects of the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome in the human body. It is also effective in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, influenza and chronic fatigue.
There are a variety of herbal remedies containing olive leaves on the market. Their contents generally contain up to 20 percent oleuropein.
Olive leaf extract contains many components of olive leaf as a concentrate. For example, 1 grams of oleuropein are found in around 5 per gram of olive leaf, while 1 grams reach 20 per cent of olive leaf extract.
Briefly, the substance oleuropein is recognized as a natural antimicrobial. It is therefore used as an alternative food additive in the food industry. The structure of this compound, which was first discovered at the beginning of 1900, could only be identified in 1960.
Determination of oleuropein substance in olive leaves is carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In addition to the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations, these methods also comply with test methods and test criteria accepted worldwide.