Nitrate determination (Spectrophotometric)

The source of nitrate in drinking and utility water is geologically volcanic rocks under natural conditions. In addition, in lightning and lightning weather, nitrogen oxides are released in the air. These nitrogen oxides dissolved in rainwater are oxidized with oxygen in the air to form nitric and nitrite acids. This is the source of nitrate.
In addition, some plants take up the nitrogen in the air and transfer it to the soil with their roots as nitrate. Other sources of nitrate formation are the disintegration of nitrate fertilizers, domestic or industrial wastewater, and animal and plant wastes used in agricultural activities into soil and water.
Nitrogen and nitrogenous chemicals are important subjects in environmental engineering studies. Various organic and inorganic nitrogen compounds in surface water content are measured and informed about the quality of water. Nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and organic nitrogen are the leading nitrogen compounds in these waters. In addition to these, nitrogen gas is also nitrogen. All these substances can be converted to each other in the nitrogen cycle as a result of biochemical reactions. The total amount of oxidized nitrogen is the sum of nitrate and nitrite.
Nitrate content determination studies are carried out by spectrophotometric method between chemical tests in authorized laboratories. This method is based on the measurement of the electromagnetic radiation waves absorbed or emitted when atoms, molecules or ions pass from one energy level to another. In these analyzes, the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations and the methods of analysis and test criteria accepted in the world are followed and reliable and impartial service is provided in the laboratories. A few standards considered in these analyzes are:
- TS 6183 Fruit, vegetables and products - Determination of nitrite and nitrate - Molecular absorption spectrometric method
- TS EN 12014-1 Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and / or nitrite content - Part 1: General requirements
- TS EN 12014-3 Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and / or nitrite content - Part 3: Spectrometric determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products after enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrate