Starch Quantity analysis

Starch, a carbohydrate, consists of the binding of amylose and amylopectins contained in the elemental parts of the cereal grains with glucose components. Starch is produced from many grains and potatoes, including corn. However, it is the cheapest form to produce starch from corn. The most starch is obtained by wet grinding operations from corn. Starch, a flour-like substance, is actually a form of glucose stored in plants and is used to produce energy. Starch, especially in the stems, roots, leaves, seeds, fruit and pollen of plants. They are among the main food sources of people. The starch granules which are not disintegrated do not dissolve in cold water, but absorb water and swell. This condition, called gelatinization, occurs at different temperatures depending on the type of starch.
Starch is classified as corn starch, potato starch, rice starch and wheat starch according to the raw material from which it is obtained. It is classified as natural starch and modified starch according to its form.
Almost percent 96 of corn starch is taken from grains. Potato has a high starch value but its production is low and expensive. Wheat flour has a percentage of starch around 70, but its production is lower and more costly than corn.
Starch is widely used in food industry. For example, starch is used to improve the structure of foods and to reduce the viscosity of the dough and to increase gelatinization. Starch is also used outside the food sector.
In grain production, corn is second in the world after wheat. In our country, grain production comes after corn, wheat and barley. Almost every region of our country is grown corn. Nearly 30 of the corn produced in the world is used in human nutrition and the rest is used as animal feed. However, these rates are different depending on the development level of the countries.
Starch analyzes are performed between chemical tests in authorized laboratories. In these analyzes, standards and analysis methods published by domestic and foreign organizations are followed.