NDF (Neutral detergent Fiber) determination

In order to determine the nutritional values of animal feeds, physical, chemical and biological analyzes are performed. A number of chemical substances are used when conducting chemical analyzes. Such analyzes include crude protein analysis, crude cellulose analysis, crude ash analysis (organic matter determination), oil analysis, ADF (acid detergent fiber) analysis and NDF (neutral detergent fiber) analysis. These are all raw food analyzes.
The fibers are contained in the structure of the carbohydrates that make up 75 percent of the dry matter in the tissue of plants and form the plant cell wall. The fibers include cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Some of the fibers can be digested and some of them cannot be digested. When determining a feed fiber ratio, the fiber is defined in three different ways: NDF, ADF and raw fiber.
ADF analysis refers to fiber analysis insoluble in acid detergent, NDF analysis refers to fiber analysis insoluble in neutral detergent. In general, ADF, NDF and crude cellulose analyzes are performed and Van Soest Method is applied. However, the results obtained in these analyzes give a rough idea about the nutrient components of the feed and do not show the actual feed values of the feeds. There is therefore a need for more precise analyzes, for example additional amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, mineral substances and toxin analyzes.
NDF (neutral detergent fiber) analyzes are performed to determine the cellulose and hemicellulose fiber carbohydrates of the cell wall, lignin, ligninized and heat damaged part proteins and silicon content in the ground and dried feeds. NDF analysis results give an idea about the volume, specific gravity and roughness of the feed. Feed containing high NDF are high volume coating feeds.
NDF (neutral detergent fiber) analysis in animal feeds is performed in the authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these analyzes, standards and analysis methods published by domestic and foreign organizations are followed.