Microscopic Analysis

Food safety is one of the most important issues today. One of the main problems facing the food sector is the constantly increasing population and the production of qualified foodstuff sufficient for this population. Starting from agricultural practices, a number of chemical substances are used in all stages of production, even in packaging, storage, transportation and delivery to consumers, and this causes many health problems for human health.
While some chemicals are consciously added to food products as additives, there are various agricultural residues and chemicals that are unintentionally contaminated with food products. Food poisoning is usually caused by microbial elements. Some of the chemical substances do not have immediate effect and some of them accumulate in the body and show their effects over time.
The Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points (HACCP) system in the food sector is an effective system to prevent the mentioned problems. This system aims to control potential hazards at all stages of production. This system includes continuous and regular microbiological and chemical analyzes at certain stages of production activities. The results obtained in these analyzes must comply with the limit values described in the relevant communiqués of the Turkish Food Codex. These studies cover the quality and hygiene characteristics of food products, additives used, flavorings, even pesticide and drug residues, food contaminants, packaging, storage and transportation criteria.
Some of these analyzes are performed by microscopic methods. These studies are based on the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Microbiological Criteria. This regulation describes the microbiological criteria of foods and the rules that food producing enterprises comply with.
Microscopic analyzes are also performed in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, current legal regulations and standards published by local and foreign organizations are followed and reliable and impartial service is provided in laboratories.