Dry ve Half Dry in tomato Hepatitis A virus detection analysis

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious and dangerous virus disease. It is generally known as jaundice among the people. This virus, which settles in the liver and destroys this organ, causes one and a half million people worldwide to become ill every year. The best treatment method is healthy nutrition.
From time to time bad news about export products. For example, it is claimed that Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is found in frozen and semi-dried tomatoes sent from our country. Just as export countries pass these products through tests and analyzes, similar tests and analyzes are carried out in laboratories in our country. In addition to regular inspections, the authorities also control the firms concerned on such allegations. These tests and analyzes are carried out by identifying all critical control points in production processes. In addition to the employees' hepatitis A tests, soil samples taken from production areas, water samples used for irrigation, samples taken from the water and processed products used by the enterprises are subjected to tests and analyzes within the framework of microbiological criteria and related standards.
People have been drying food for centuries. In this method, microbiological deterioration is prevented by reducing the moisture of the foods. The properties of the recently developed semi-dry products are more similar to fresh products and are softer. The biggest advantage of these products is that they are ready to be consumed. Water values of semi-dried foods are higher than dry foods.
Hepatitis A virus detection in dry and semi-dried tomatoes is carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, the standards published by local and foreign organizations and the test methods accepted worldwide are complied with. Some of the standards considered in these studies are:
- TS TS 3926 Dried tomatoes
- TS 11728 Dry soup ready - Tomato