chloride (Cl-1) / Sodium chloride (NaCl) / Suda soluble chloride analysis / Salt determination (Chloride with) (Titrimetric)

The neutral chlorine atom takes an electron and goes into the ion state and is named chloride. Chloride does not take place in nature on its own, but it coexists with the counter ion in a solution. Sodium chloride (table salt) is the most well known. Chlorides are important for the metabolism of living organisms.
Sodium chloride is a simple chemical compound. It has been used as an important food for hundreds of years. It is also a preservative. In very old times, foods such as meat and fish were dried and stored in salt and their spoilage was prevented. Besides being a foodstuff, salt is widely used in animal husbandry, leather industry, water softening systems and chemical sector.
Chloride is the oxidized state of chlorine and is the most important inorganic ions in water and wastewater. If the chloride in water is due to the dissolution of the sodium chloride salt, a taste of salinity is felt in the water. However, if this chloride is due to the solution of calcium or magnesium chloride salts, then there is no salt taste in water. Chloride content is higher in wastewater than drinking water. If water contains a high level of chloride, this will damage metallic pipes and water systems. Saline wastewater is also dangerous for agricultural areas.
Different methods are used to determine the water-soluble chloride content. These include argentometric method, mercury nitrate method, potentiometric method and ferricyanide method.
The amount of salt added during the production of the food varies according to the type of food and the method of processing. These amounts are included in the relevant communiqués of the Turkish Food Codex.
The determination of sodium chloride in laboratories is carried out with the aim of controlling the production of the companies in compliance with the standards.
In the authorized laboratories, titrimetric method of salt determination is carried out between chemical analyzes. In these studies, the standards published by local and foreign organizations and the test methods accepted worldwide are complied with.