Chlorate determination (In water)

Chlorates are generally salts of chloric acid. Chlorate molecules can easily oxidize organic compounds. Therefore, they are chemically harmful. The most common types of chlorate are sodium chlorate, potassium chlorate and magnesium chloride. Today chlorate has been replaced by perchlorate.
Sodium chlorate is generally used in the killing of weeds. Likewise, corn, pepper, flax, dry beans, soybeans, rice and sunflower are used as both foliar and dryer. It is also used to filter water in water-raising devices in homes. One area of use of sodium chlorate is to use disinfectant in the food industry.
Potassium chlorate is also a strong oxidant like sodium chlorate. It is used to remove calcium and magnesium ions which cause hardness of water. It is also used in manure construction. Potassium chlorate poisoning may occur if inhaled for longer periods of time or if more than one gram of 5 is taken in the body. Potassium chlorate is a strong oxidizing agent. When combined with flammable organic compounds such as sugar, a strong reaction takes place. With the circular issued by the Ministry of Health in 2016, it is one of the most dangerous and dangerous substances to be sold in spices, herbs and similar places. Potassium chlorate is also counted.
Magnesium chlorate is the magnesium salt of chloric acid. This chemical compound is also a strong oxidant like all chlorates.
Chlorate determination in water is carried out in chemical laboratories among authorized laboratories. In these studies, standards and test methods published by local and foreign organizations are followed. A few of the standards considered in these studies are:
- TS ISO 10304-4 Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid ion chromatography - Part 4: Determination of dissolved, chlorate, chloride and chlorite in less contaminated water
- Chemicals - Chemicals used in drinking and utility water treatment - Sodium chlorate