Calcium pantothenate determination (HPLC)

Calcium pantothenate, also called pantothenic acid, panthenol, vitamin B5, is a water-soluble chemical compound. It has important functions in cell production, maintenance of normal growth and development of central nervous system. It is also very effective in the proper functioning of the adrenaline glands. It is important in converting fat and sugar into energy. The American Food and Drug Administration (FAD) recommends no more than 10 mg daily for the human body. The best natural sources of calcium pantothenate are cereals, bran, wheat germ, meat, kidney, liver, chicken, green vegetables and nuts. Calcium pantothenate helps to heal wounds, creates antibodies to fight the infection of the body, prevents fatigue and lowers cholesterol and triglyceride. Hypoglycemia, ulcers, blood and skin disorders are seen if the body does not get enough calcium pantothenate.
The Turkish Food Codex Communiqué (Communiqué no: 2013 / 2013), issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in 49, states that the supplementary foods are produced, prepared, processed, maintained, stored, to explain the features of these products. The preparation of this communiqué is based on the European Union directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on food supplements 2002 / 46 / EC.
In the annex of the Communiqué titled Vitamins and Minerals Used in Supplementary Foods (Annex 1), vitamins include Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and minerals include calcium.
In the annex of the same Communiqué titled Forms of Vitamins and Minerals Used in Supplementing Foods (Annex 2), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and calcium forms are explained.
In the authorized laboratories, calcium pantothenate is determined by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). These studies comply with the provisions of the aforementioned communiqué as well as the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations.