Iodide analysis (Edible Salt)

The main ingredient of the salt is sodium chloride and is produced from the crude salt in accordance with human consumption. Table salt is refined or unrefined, iodine-enriched and finely powdered salt, which is offered directly to consumers. The salt used in the food industry does not have to contain iodine. The Ministry of Health recommends the use of iodized salt.
According to the Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Table and Food Industry Salt issued by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs in 2004 (Communiqué no: 2004 / 44), potassium iodide or 50-70 mg / kg in the ratio of 25-40 mg / kg to table salt ratio of potassium iodate should be added. In every country in the world, iodine is added to the salt to eliminate this deficiency due to the lack of iodine in food products. Iodine is added to the salt as potassium iodide or potassium iodate.
Potassium iodide is less stable than potassium iodate. The stability of the iodine in the salt is influenced by factors such as the moisture content of the salt and the degree of humidity of the medium, as well as light, temperature, acidity or alkalinity in the salt and the form of iodine. Iodine loss is also high in poorly packaged salts. Salt should be stored in dry and light conditions and closed. The retention of iodine in the salt depends on the iodine component used, the storage time, the packaging method and the climatic conditions.
Potassium iodide is an inorganic compound and its structure is very similar to sodium chloride used as salt in food. This white salt is a commercially important iodine compound. Sodium is preferred because it retains less moisture than iodide.
Iodide analyzes are performed in authorized laboratories, in the framework of chemical analyzes, table salts or edible salts. In these studies, on the one hand, the provisions of the aforementioned communiqué, on the other hand, the standards published by national and international organizations and the world-wide test methods are complied with.