histamine analysis (ELISA) (The fish, The fish Canned, Frozen Fishes)

Histamine is an organic based molecular structure and a non-volatile biogenic amines. This compound is most important in fish species such as shade, mackerel, anchovies, salmon and sardine, because these fish carry a large amount of free histidine amino acids. If these seafoods contain a high amount of histamine, there are signs of poisoning in people who consume them.
The Food and Drug Administration of America (FDA) has accepted the level of 50 mg / kg harmful to human health. If this value exceeds 80 mg / kg, it is the cause of poisoning. 30-40 mg / kg levels cause poisoning in sensitive people. The size of the fish is also effective in histamine formation.
Free histidine amino acid is present in muscle tissues of fish such as tone and mackerel. The enzyme that converts this amino acid to histamine causes histamine accumulation in fish. This amount of free histidine is the leading cause of histamine formation in canned fish. The amount of histidine is high in red meat fish. Whiting, turbot and other white meat fish do not have histidine. Histamine-producing bacteria are generally classified as Enterobacteriaceae.
The amount of histamine formed in fish depends on the amount of histamine contained in the fish, in short the type of fish and the storage conditions of the fish. It is not possible to detect histamine formation in fish organoleptically. Although the appearance, odor or color of fish does not change, they may contain high levels of histamine.
Histamine analysis of fish, canned fish or frozen fish is carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. One of the methods used in these analyzes is the Elisa test. Elisa kits used in these tests comply with the relevant standards and the latest technology. In these studies, the standards published by local and foreign organizations and the test methods accepted worldwide are complied with. In this way, laboratories provide a more reliable and impartial service.