Hexen (Hexane) extraction

Extraction is an indispensable step in many analytical processes. In recent years, extraction methods are very developed. Reduction of extraction time, compliance with automation, pollution prevention in analytical laboratories, reduction of organic solvent consumption and decrease in sample preparation costs are effective in this. For example, in sample preparation, conventional extraction methods have been replaced by microwave-assisted extraction, or pressurized liquid extraction (accelerated solvent extraction). These methods significantly increased the speed of the extraction process.
Nowadays, the chemical compound hexane (hexane) is widely used as a solvent for the removal of oil from fatty material. In these processes, heptane, carbon sulphide, acetone, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, trichlorethylene and benzene are used as solvents as well as hexane compound. In the case of the use of hexane, the essential is the evaporation of the solvent from the oil and solvent mixture. The solvent, which has a very low boiling point compared to the oil, evaporates easily in this method and moves away from the oil.
Hexane is a straight chain alkane species. It is used as an oil solvent in laboratories and as an organic solvent in industry. However, since hexane is harmful to health, the heptane derivative is generally used instead. In case of inhaling hexane in vapor form causes poisoning. The heptane compound dissolves the oil better but the use of the hexane compound is greater in practice as it is much easier to find hexane. Hexane is generally used as a good solvent in the production of adhesives. Reacts violently with strong oxidants and may cause explosion and fire. Hexane vapor is heavier than air and spreads quickly on the ground.
Hexane (hexane) extraction studies are also carried out in authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, the standards published by local and foreign organizations and the test methods accepted worldwide are complied with. In this way, laboratories provide a more reliable and impartial service.