heptane extraction

The chemical compound of heptane is a saturated hydrocarbon which falls within the class of alkanes and is readily flammable. The heptane compound is used as solvent in the removal of oil from oily substances as well as chemicals such as hexane, carbon sulfide, acetone, trichlorethylene, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and benzene. In the heptane extraction process, separation of solvent from the oil and solvent mixture is achieved by evaporation. The solvent having a boiling point lower than the oil is evaporated from the oil by heating. The oil thus obtained is called crude oil. These oils cannot be consumed directly as a food product, both in appearance and because of other substances they contain. In order to make these oils renewable, refining processes are needed. Refining processes are the process of removing the substances that spoil the taste and odor of the oil and other substances that are not found in the oil. The oil is now consumable by means of suitable methods and refining under hygienic conditions and is no harm to health.
Fats taken into the body as food have high calorie values and have other functions in the human body. The condition of the additives added to the oils is important for health. Some of these additives are used consciously, such as emulsifiers, antioxidants and silicones, while others are harmful substances that are mistakenly contaminated with oils.
Commonly used solvents in oil extraction are hexane, heptane and pentane compounds. The hexane chemical compound is more preferred in the extraction of oilseeds. Heptane is more widely used in modern plants. Pentane is more widely used in heat-labile products such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Heptane extraction works are carried out in the authorized laboratories within the scope of chemical tests. In these studies, standards prepared by national and international organizations and test methods accepted worldwide are complied with. In this way, laboratories provide a more reliable and impartial service.