Gamma glutamxl Beta Cyanoal field determination

Standards are the documents prepared by the official institutions that determine the criteria and acceptance limits of the products. The specifications determine the values and the upper and lower limits of the desired properties in the products. Each company can set its own specifications for the products it produces. However, these specifications are not formal. What matters is compliance with published standards.
In Turkish standards, some of the cereals and legumes are explained as raw materials. Such as wheat, oats, beans and similar standards. Some standards are described for intermediates. Wheat flour, rice flour, bulgur. Some standards are explained on the basis of manufactured products. Like bread or pasta.
Cereals are the seeds of plants of the legume family. From an agricultural point of view, the roots of legume plants contain nitrogen in the air. Lentils, for example, are a species of the legume family. Lentil should not contain common vetch and the resulting beta cyanoalanine.
Quality criteria are common in almost all grain standards. The most important sensory and physical properties are foreign matter, broken and broken grains, mold smell. Following the collection of cereals, the grain should be dried to a certain extent to prevent mold and toxin formation. As for the chemical properties of cereals, ash, moisture, protein, acidity, amount of sand, enzyme activity and similar properties are common in all cereals.
On the other hand, allergy-causing food proteins include gluten in wheat, barley and oats. When starch is removed from cereal flours, gluten, a viscous substance, remains.
In parallel with the increasing human population and the depletion of resources, the importance of food is being emphasized more and more today. Food safety and consumer health are the most important issues today. There are many factors that affect the quality of food such as nutrients, minerals, toxins, dyes, heavy metals, additives, pesticides used in production, feed and feed additives, and even food packaging.
Determination of gamma glutamyl beta cyanoalanine in cereal products and plants within the scope of chemical tests are performed in authorized laboratories.