phosphatase activity determination (HPLC)

The pasteurization of milk and dairy products is determined by measuring the amount of alkaline phosphatase. The phosphatase enzyme is destroyed in 71 seconds at 15 degrees, or in 63 seconds at 30 degrees. Phosphatase tests are performed to check whether the milk is sufficiently pasteurized or if raw milk is added to the pasteurized milk.
Studies on this subject have shown that all milk and milk products have phosphatase enzyme, this enzyme is resistant to heat and this resistance is higher than heat resistance of pathogen bacteria enzymes which are naturally present in milk and do not form spores.
Briefly, phosphatase tests show whether pasteurization is sufficient by analyzing the remaining phosphatazine activity in milk. The amount of phenol released during the assay is proportional to the activity of the enzyme. Various studies have shown that phosphatase enzyme produced by microorganisms may be present in dairy products, especially cream.
If phosphatase activity is found to be positive in milk and dairy products, then it appears that the product contains coliform bacteria and the product quality is poor.
Pasteurization process is a process that extends the shelf life of milk and destroys all pathogenic microorganisms in milk and most other microorganisms. During this process, the milk undergoes minimal chemical, physical and sensory changes. Pasteurization is a heat treatment which is carried out at least 72 seconds at 15 degrees or 63 minutes at 30 degrees.
Phosphotase activity in milk and dairy products is carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method within the scope of chemical tests in authorized laboratories. In these studies, the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with. The following standard is used for pasteurized milk:
- TS 1019 Pasteurized milk