Phosphate determination (PO4-P Denominated)

Phosphorus determination studies are of great importance in environmental engineering applications. It is present in phosphate and drinking water as phosphorus and phosphate. Inorganic phosphate compounds are particularly important for environmental engineers.
Calcium is the most abundant chemical element in the human body and phosphorus ranks second. Phosphorus compounds for all living organisms are very important for DNA structures. In addition, the human body always needs phosphorus for bone and tooth formation, for the growth and development of cells, for the operation of the heart muscle and for the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. A portion of the phosphorus that is close to 90 is stored in phosphate form in the bone.
Phosphorus compounds accelerate the growth of algae in surface waters. The nutritional values in these waters increase due to the phosphate concentration in the water, and as a result, plankton and algal beings multiply excessively. Only 1 gram phosphate phosphorus (PO4-P) is sufficient to feed 100 gram algae. The 91 / 271 / EEC Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive issued by the European Union for the possible hazards of surface waters imposes restrictions on the release of phosphate compounds to receiving environments. These limit values were determined as 2 mg / l depending on the size of the wastewater treatment plant.
Phosphate compounds found in wastewaters or released directly into surface waters are generally from fertilizers that mix with soil and water, or iIt comes from human and animal faeces or detergents and cleaning agents.
In wastewater analysis, the concentration of PO4 (phosphate) is always expressed in terms of the phosphorus content of the phosphate. This means that the result is displayed as PO4-P. The limit values described in the regulations and standards are expressed as total PO4-P.
Phosphate determination studies within the scope of chemical tests are carried out in authorized laboratories in PO4-P. In these studies, the standards published by domestic and foreign organizations are complied with.